Angel Hogan is a poet and filmmaker with an MFA in creative writing from Drexel University. She has performed as part of the Black Women's Arts Festival, Literary Death Match, Moonstone Presents, First Person Arts and the Philadelphia Fringe Festival. She worked with ArtWell, was a Contributing Editor to Philadelphia Stories, and a review panelist for the Philadelphia Cultural Fund. Angel is a Black Music City Grantee; her short feature, By Law, By Love: A Documentary about Family, Race, and Identity, was Selected for the First Annual B.PHL Innovation Film Festival.
Angel believes in the transformational power of stories.
Select Performances:
Featured, Black Women's Arts Festival
Painted Bride Quarterly
Featured Storyteller, Literary Death Match
Featured Storyteller, First Person Arts Festival
Featured Poet, Philadelphia Fringe Festival
Featured Reader, Painted Bride Quarterly
Featured Reader, Memorial Day Celebration at Cochran's Triangle
Reader, "Women on Whitman," Whitman @200 Celebration
Featured Poet, Featured, R. Quines' NOW National Arts Salon
Featured Poet, Moonstone Arts Center
5 Shorts Project
Co-Creator of "Through the Bars: A Workshop on Objects and
Memorials for People Affected by Incarceration, as part of the Celebration of Black Writing
Member of the Black women's poetry collective Wings of Worth